Caring for your Merino Woollies

Washing Merino Woollies
At the Woolly Brand, we like to make life as easy as possible, this includes, where possible, trying to make our items washing friendly.
Step One
Ideally, with all woollen products, hand washing using a gentle wool detergent and drying on a flat sun-protected surface is best. If hand washing isn't your thing, don’t worry, check your woolly care tag, and if it includes the machine-washing symbol, then you are ready to go
OR Pop your favourite woollies into a smalls bag to protect the wool fibres from the pull of the spin cycle.
Step Two
Place them into the washing machine and add your favourite wool detergent. Our favourite is SOFTLY WOOL WASH, which has the Woolmark stamp of approval, just like our woollies.
Step Three
Turn your washing machine on to the wool cycle on cold or a maximum 40 degrees celsius. If your machine doesn’t have a wool cycle, that’s ok, use a gentle cycle with a low/cold temp and a reduced spin cycle.
We know that temperature can damage merino wool so it’s really important to check the temperature of your washing machine, I like to wash in cold water but a maximum of 40 degrees celsius is what Woolmark recommend.
From personal experience, I have found that the spin cycle can also damage your favourite woollies, the way it can pull on the delicate fibres. My advice is to pop your woollies in a smalls bag as this will protect them.
Step Four
Lie woollies flat to dry in the shade or a drying rack. Some woollies will lose shape during the drying process so gently pulling the edges and flattening your woollies as they dry helps.
Step Five
Whilst not essential, if you wish to steam your woollies do so with care. The merino wool fibres can easily be crushed or heat damaged. When I need to steam woollies, I hang them on a coat hanger and using a steamer, I gently remove creases from the knit.
Product tip! If you find your beanie’s pom pom is looking crushed or misshapen, using a steamer or a kettle allow the steam to penetrate the pom pom for about 5-10 seconds. Give it a little shake and voila! Puffy fluffy pom pom! (Steam with care! Please don’t burn yourself!)
How do I store my woolly order?
If you live down south like us, you will likely not need to store your woolly items as they will be a regular on your little person, in the nappy bag or even your beach bag for use all year round. If you live in lovely warm climates and want to store your woolly items away from pesky moths and critters, here is what you should do.
Step One
This step cannot be missed, as it will make or break the storage of your woollies. Wash your woollies. Even if you did it last week, washing your woollies before storage means that all moth larvae will be killed, giving you a fresh slate, ready to put them away.
Step Two
Choose the type of long storage that suits your home.
- Vacuum sealed bags.
- Sealed tub.
- A woollen, calico, 100% cotton or a reusable zip lock bag.
Ideally, washed woollies should be wrapped in acid-free tissue paper, but this is not essential. What is essential is to pop some form of moth and critter deterrent in with your stored woollies to do just that, encouraging them to make house and home elsewhere. I like to use camphor and cedar for this purpose. Have you noticed your woollies arrive with their scent?
Step Three
Too often, I have customers get in touch and say that they left their woollies in their postal package and have opened them 12 months later to find a moth hole. Regularly checking your stored woollies is very important. If there is a question about a critter having made up residence, closely assess, wash and re-store using the above tips.
* It is very important to note that when we send our woollies out to you, they are wrapped in acid-free tissue, yet the home compostable bag is not entirely sealed and will naturally degrade over time as it is designed.
Where can I find more information?
At The Woolly Brand we look to our industry experts at The Woolmark Company whenever we need more information. You can find them here